Principled Thinking Logo

Is This Random?

What do you think? Did waves, storms, and tides ever create a structure like this?

The Material Universe

Some people claim the material universe is all that exists. Is this true?

Free Will?

Do we have free will, or are we robots?

What is your Soul?

How did you get one? Is it an add on extra?

Adam and Eve in Garden

Convergence of Science and Theology

Are science and theology partners, or enemies?

Curved Space-Time

Mysterious Physics

What are the deep mysteries uncovered by modern physics?

Sunset over Mountains

Does God Exist?
What Created God?

Way of the Cross

What is Christianity?

... Christians believe Jesus Christ is the long awaited, anointed King, promised in the Old Testament ...

Sir William Ramsay Portrait

The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament

by Sir William Ramsay, published 1914.
Qumran Pottery

Is the Bible Trustworthy?

The Bible is a collection of ancient literature. Can we trust it?

New Creation?

What is the New Creation?

What does the Bible reveal about it?

Stonehenge Detail

Time, Modern Physics, and God

What is time? Is God in time? Does He care about me?